Thursday 14 August 2014

My Book Buying and Reading Habits

Hello and good day,
Today I will be answering some questions about books and my habits surrounding books. Whether in the real world or the online world. So I've come up with some questions and I'm going to answer them.
So on to the questions;

What genre do you tend to read?
I primarily read young adult books. I also read fantasy books and adventure books

What type of books do you buy (Hardcover, e-books etc)?
I  tend to buy paperback books as they are cheaper then hardcover and in the UK hardcover books are really hard to get hold of unless you order them online. Also I buy e-books, as I have the kindle reading app on my tablet, phone and laptop. 


When do you read? How much time do you spend reading? 
I tend to read on my journeys to and from college and work (if I am working at the time), I also read for around half an hour upwards before bedtime. 

When do you buy books?
Ebook- I buy one e-book at least a week. Actual books- I tend to buy once a month or every two month but I don't buy loads just a couple. Around Christmas and my birthday I buy more and stock up. I visit the library regularly so I borrow books a lot. 
As I am a student I have very little money so borrowing books is the best option for me momentarily. 


Where do you read?
I read pretty much everywhere, on public transport,on the sofa, in bed, and anywhere I can sit down.

Where do you buy books?
I buy my books from a range of places. Online I buy from Amazon and the book depository. I very rarely buy form WHSmith and Waterstone as they are a lot more expensive. I'm more likely to buy books from the Works (a cheap UK bookstore) or from ASDA, as my ASDA has a decent selection of books which tend to be a super good price (they have a 3 for £10 deal sometimes)  


Why do you read? 
I read because I love the escapism, 'meeting' new people (the different character), 'seeing' new places (all the new strange worlds) and I love using my imagination and creativity.

Why do you buy books?
I love the look of books on my shelf (or stack around my room), all the colours and beautiful covers. I love to be able to keep them forever and be able to go back and read them, look at them. And eventually show them to my children and let them read them.


Who do you read around
I read around anyone, but I also like to read on my own, so I can escape into the book without interruption.

Who buys you books? Who do you buy books for?
My parents by books for me and at Christmas most people by me books. I buy books for my friend who read for there birthdays and Christmas.

DO and ARE and others;

Do any of your close friends read? 
Yes, a few of my friends read, so I'm always recommending them new books that I love, mostly so I have someone to fangirl with!

Are you quick or slow reader? How many books do you read a week?
I'm quite a fast reader but I never have loads of spare reading time (as I'm a law student). I tend to read  2 books a week  (sometimes I read more, sometimes less).

Are you doing the goodreads challenge? if so how many books? 
Yes I am and I'm aiming to read 50 books 

That's them all, have any book questions, ask in the comments!

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