Sunday 27 July 2014

Review: Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson

Hello and Good day,
Today I am going to be reviewing a standalone novel: Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson .

. Cassie and Lia are best friends, and united in their quest to be thin. But when Cassie is found dead in a motel room, Lia must question whether she continues to lose weight, or choose life instead.

Genre: Young adult, contemporary, Mental health (anorexia).

Anderson's portrayal of anorexia was spot on and really accurate, she really captured the truths and hiding expects of the disease really well. I also like how she portrayed Lia's emotions and feelings. However I did find the book trigger (as someone who suffers with EDNOS it affected me in ways I wasn't expecting) therefore I warn people to read this book with caution (and please remember if the book is triggering it's okay to put it down just as it's okay to go ask for help). 
I've heard mixed thoughts on the writing style, so people found it repetitive and 'long drawn', however I found it helped portray the true version of anorexia. Also I find the repetition shows of damaged Lia is and how she is constantly reminding herself of the self-destructing behaviour which is how a lot of people with metal illness think.  

Even though I found the book triggering, it was still a good read. I believe it may help people to understand how people with eating disorders and to some extent mental illnesses think and why they think this way, and how these thoughts lead to behaviours which a lot of people don't understand. 

Overall I give this book
4/5 stars

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